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Choose the "Parcel Search" and use the Adair County, Iowa Assessor's Office service, and find property listing information by using their address, the parcel number, the city, and the legal description.
You can look at the Adair County Treasurer database with the the parcel number, and with their name to find property record information. You can also pay your property taxes online.
Browse through the Adams County Treasurer's database, by either searching with the parcel number and the name, and look for property record information. You can also pay your property taxes online.
Browse for Appanoose County, the State of Iowa's Assessor's property records. You can also look at interactive GIS Maps.
Browse the Allamakee County Treasurer database with the parcel number and the name to find property record information, or you can even pay your property taxes online.
You can use the service provided from Story County, and the State of Iowa's Assessor. Browse for Ames and Non-Ames property comparables with the parcel type, the year built, living area, finished basement area, the lot area, the bedrooms, and etc.
Browse Ames, to locate the State of Iowa's property with the address and the parcel ID. It gives the owner's name, legal description, zoning, the school district, class, dwelling information, the lot area, sales information, or the tax assessment from the current year.
Use the service provided from the City of Ames. You can use the State of Iowa's GIS. Browse the assessor's office and look for property information by address or parcel ID.
You can search Appanoose County Treasurer database with the parcel number and their name to find property record information or you can pay your property taxes online.
You can use the Schneider Corporation service and browse to find Appanoose County, the State of Iowa's Assessor's property information. Search with their name, address, township, and section, the dba, and parcel ID, or you can view interactive GIS Maps.
Browse the Audubon County Treasurer's database with the parcel number and name to look for property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online.
You can use the Schneider Corporation service, and browse for Audubon County, the State of Iowa's Assessor's property information. Find with their name, address, and parcel ID, and also look at interactive GIS Maps.
Browse the Benton County Treasurer database with the parcel number and name and find property record information. You can also pay your property taxes online.
Browse Benton County, to find the State of Iowa's property database, or you can look at interactive GIS maps.
Browse the Black Hawk County's Treasurer database. Find information you need with the parcel number and their name to find property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online.
Look for Black Hawk County, and find State of Iowa property with the parcel ID, address, subdivision, or you can transfer document. They give extensive information includes the deed holders, a legal description, zoning, land or the dwelling value, tax information, any building sketches, or even aerial photos.
Browse the Boone County's Treasurer database with the parcel number and name to find property record information. You can also pay your property taxes online.
Browse Boone County, to find the State of Iowa's property database, and also look at interactive GIS maps.
Browse Bremer County, and locate the State of Iowa's Assessor's property records, or look at interactive GIS Maps.
Browse Buchanan County, to find the State of Iowa's property records from the Assessor's Office. Find with their address, the parcel number, and a legal description.
In Buchanan County, from the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database. Browse property information or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse for Buena Vista County, in the State of Iowa, to locate commercial or industrial property sales.
Browse the Buena Vista County, in the State of Iowa, and find Assessor records to look for property information with their address and the parcel number.
Browse the Buena Vista County's Treasurer database. Find by the parcel number and the name for property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse for Buena Vista County, in the State of Iowa, and find residential property sales.
In Butler County, you can find the State of Iowa's Assessor's property records. This includes a parcel search as well as residential, commercial, or the agricultural sales searches.
Browse Butler County, to locate the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database with a parcel number and a name to find property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse Butler County, and locate the State of Iowa's property records, or look at interactive maps.
Browse for Calhoun County, to find the State of Iowa's agricultural property or the land sales information.
Browse Calhoun County, and find the State of Iowa's Assessor's records to find property information. Search by their address, business name, the parcel number, legal description, and the city.
Browse Calhoun County, to locate the State of Iowa's Assessor's records to find Commercial Or Industrial property sales information. Find by the sales date, sale amount, transaction code, occupancy, area, year built, the map area, tax district, or the appraised value.
Browse Calhoun County, to find the State of Iowa's Assessor's records and look for residential property sales information by the sale date, the sale amount, transaction code, occupancy, style, the living area, the year built, map area, tax district, and the appraised value.
Browse the Calhoun County Treasurer's database with the parcel number and name to find property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online in the State of Iowa.
Browse Carroll County, to find the State of Iowa's commercial or industrial property sales.
Browse Carroll County, and find the State of Iowa's Assessor records to find property information. Find by the address, the deed holder, contract buyer, doing business as (dba), and the parcel number (PIN).
Browse the Carroll County Treasurer database with the parcel number and name to find property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online from Iowa.
Browse the Carroll County, State of Iowa's Geographic Information System (GIS) to find property information, or look at interactive maps or aerial photography.
Browse for Residential Property Sales from Carroll County, in the State of Iowa. Find by the date range, the sale amount, transaction code, occupancy, style, living area, the year built, map area, tax distict, or the appraised value range.
Browse Cass County, to find the State of Iowa Assessor records to find property information. Find by their address, doing business as (dba), legal description, section, block, lot, the city, and the parcel number (PIN).
Browse the Cass County Treasurer database with their parcel number and their name to look for property record information, or pay your property taxes online.
Browse Cedar County, to find the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database. Find by the parcel number and the name to look for property record information, or pay your property taxes online.
Browse Cedar County, to locate the State of Iowa's property assessor records. Find by their address, doing business as (dba), a legal description, the city, and the parcel number (PIN).
Browse Cedar County, to find State of Iowa real estate, or the tax inquiry database. Locate by their name, address, the parcel number, the map number, entity ID, book and the page, and a legal description.
Browse Cedar Rapids, to find the State of Iowa's commercial property sales comparables. Locate by the year it was built, the land area, the number of stories, the sale price and date, the assessed value, and etc.
Browse for Cedar Rapids, to find the State of Iowa's residential property sales comparables. Find with the year built, the living area, if it has a finished basement area, lot area, how many bedrooms, and etc.
Browse for Cedar Rapids, to locate the State of Iowa's property. Find by their address, the GPN, and a legal description. You can also view interactive GIS maps. It provides the parcel number, the deed holder, the property address, the legal description, assessments, or the property description.
Browse Cerro Gordo County, to find the State of Iowa's Assessor's records to look for property information. Find by their name, the parcel number, and the parcel location.
Browse the Cerro Gordo County Treasurer's database with the parcel number and name, to look for property record information; or you can pay your property taxes online.
You can use the Geographic Information System in Cerro Gordo County, from the State of Iowa, and find parcel information. Locate with the parcel id and their address, or look at interactive maps.
Browse Cherokee County, and find State of Iowa's Assessor records, to find property information with the address, the deed holder, doing business as (dba), a legal description, the section, block, lot, the contract buyer, the city, and the parcel number (PIN).
Browse the Cherokee County's Treasurer database with the parcel number and name, to look for property record information; or you can pay your property taxes online in Iowa.
You can use the Geographic Information System in Cherokee County, from the State of Iowa, and find parcel information with the parcel number and look at interactive maps.
Browse Cherokee County, to locate State of Iowa's real estate or property tax records. Find with their name, address, parcel number, map number, the entity id, book and the page, and the legal description.
Browse Chickasaw County, and find the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database. Locate by the parcel number and name, and look for property record information or pay your property taxes online.
Browse Chickasaw County, and find the State of Iowa's Assessor's property records, or look at interactive GIS Maps.
Browse the Clarke County's Treasurer database with the parcel number and the name, and then look for property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online in Iowa.
You can use the Geographic Information System in Clarke County, from the State of Iowa, and find parcel information with their name, address, and the parcel id. You can also look at interactive maps.
Browse Clay County, and locate the State of Iowa's Assessor records to find property information with their address, business name, parcel number, and the city.
Browse the Clay County's Treasurer database with their parcel number and their name to find property record information. You can also pay your property taxes online in Iowa.
Browse Clay County, and find State of Iowa Real Estate or also Tax information. Find by their address, the parcel number, the map number, entity ID, a book and the page, and the legal description.
Browse to locate Commercial and the Industrial Property Sales from Clay County, in the State of Iowa. Find with the date range, the sale amount, transaction code, occupancy, the square footage, the year built, map area, the tax distict, or the appraised value range.
Browse Residential Property Sales from Clay County, in the State of Iowa. Find by the date range, the sale amount, the transaction code, occupancy, style, living area, the year built, map area, the tax distict, and a appraised value range.
Browse Clayton County, and locate State of Iowa's property records, or look at interactive GIS maps.
In Clayton County, find the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database, and browse for property information or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse Clinton County, and locate the State of Iowa's Appraiser's records, and look for property information with the owner's name, the parcel number, and the location's address.
Browse the Clinton County's Treasurer database with the parcel number and name and find property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online.
Look for the Crawford County, State of Iowa's Assessor records, and look for property information with their address and the parcel number (PIN). All advanced searches are available, but only for a fee.
Browse the Crawford County Treasurer's database with their parcel number and their name, to find property record information, and also pay your property taxes online.
Browse the Dallas County, to locate the State of Iowa's real estate and tax database. Find by the address, parcel number, map number, entity ID, the book and the page, or a legal description to look at corresponding information, tax, and the valuation data.
Browse Dallas County, to find the State of Iowa's Assessor records to look for property information. Find with their address, the business name, the parcel number, the city, deed holder, and the legal description.
You can use the Dallas County, State of Iowa's service, to look for or view interactive GIS maps. Browseto find property information with an address, the owner, the map number, and the subdivision.
Browse for Commercial and Industrial Property Sales from Dallas County, in the State of Iowa. Find by the date range, the sale amount, a transaction code, occupancy,the square footage, the year built, the map area, tax distict, or an appraised value range.
Browse the Davis County Treasurer database with their parcel number and name, and look for property record information and also pay your property taxes online.
Browse the Davis County, the State of Iowa's property database, and you can look at GIS maps.
Browse Davis County, to look for the State of Iowa's Assessor's records, and look for property sales information. Find by the year built, living area, if it has a finished basement area, a lot area, how many bedrooms, attic, basement, air, fireplace, the sale price, and the sale date.
Browse the Decatur County Treasurer's database, with the parcel number and the name to look for property record information. You can also pay your property taxes online.
Browse the Des Moines County, the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database with the parcel number and the name, and look for property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse Des Moines County, from the State of Iowa, and use the Geographical Information System (GIS). Find property with the owner's name, the parcel ID, and the address to view related information; such as a map, a legal description, the value, the building components, or any images.
Browse Dickinson County, to find the State of Iowa's Assessor's records,and look for property information with their address, the deed holder, the contract buyer, the business name, the parcel number, the city, and a legal description.
Browse for the Dickinson County Assessor's records, and look for Agricultural Land Sales, from Dickinson County, in the State of Iowa.
Browse for Commercial and Industrial Property Sales from Dickinson County, in the State of Iowa. Find by the date range, the sale amount, the transaction code, occupancy, square footage, the year it was built, map area, the tax distict, and the appraised value range.
Browse for Residential Property Sales from Dickinson County, in the State of Iowa. Find with the date range, the sale amount, a transaction code, the occupancy size, style, living area, the year it was built, map area, the tax distict, or the appraised value range.
In Dickinson County, you can use the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database. Look for property information or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse through the Dubuque County Treasurer's database with the parcel number and their name, to look for property record information, or pay your property taxes online.
Browse the City of Dubuque, to find the State of Iowa's property database, or you can look at GIS maps.
Browse the Dubuque County, State of Iowa's Assessor's records, and locate property sales information. Find by the year built, the living area, the lot area, style, the sale price, and the sale date.
Browse the Assessor's records in Dubuque, to find State of Iowa property information with the address and the parcel number. You can also view interactive GIS maps.
Browse the Emmet County Treasurer's database with the parcel number and the name, to look for property record information or pay your property taxes online.
Browse the Emmet County, State of Iowa's property database. You can also look at GIS maps.
Browse the Emmet County, State of Iowa's Assessor's records, to look for the property sales information, by the year it was built, the living area, the lot area, the sale price, and the sale date.
Browse through the Fayette County's Treasurer database with the parcel number and the name, to find property record information, or pay your property taxes online.
Browse Fayette County, and locate the State of Iowa's property database, and look at GIS maps.
Browse Floyd County, to locate the State of Iowa's property database, or you can view GIS maps.
In Floyd County, you can use the State of Iowa's Treasurer's property database. Browse property information or pay your property taxes online.
Browse Franklin County's Treasurer database with the parcel number and name, to find property record information, or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse Franklin County, and locate the State of Iowa's property database, and look at GIS maps.
Browse the Fremont County Treasurer's database with the parcel number and their name. Look for property record information or you can pay your property taxes online.
Browse Greene County, to find State of Iowa's Assessor's records to look for property information. Locate with the address, the deed holder, contract buyer, the parcel number, and the legal description.
Browse the Greene County Treasurer's database with the parcel number and name, and look for property record information, and pay your property taxes online.
You can use the Geographic Information System in Greene County, from the State of Iowa, and find parcel information with the parcel id, or you can look at interactive maps.